Selling your vehicle through INDEPENDENT

  • $300 Listing Fee

    We charge a $300 listing fee that includes highly detailed, professional photographs taken by our experienced in-house photographer that will be displayed on our website listing. Our Land Rover experts also write detailed write-up of the vehicle for the weblisting. We produce a video of your vehicle that will be posted on our social media platforms.

  • 3% Commission Fee

    Upon the sale of your vehicle, we take a 3% commission fee of the final sale price.

    We take the utmost care of your Land Rover and, if requested, we can help you decide on a price depending on market value and vehicle condition.

    Should your vehicle require it, we recommend a full detail and inspection before photographing. INDEPENDENT will not list a vehicle that is dirty, badly damaged, or not mechanically sound.


INDEPENDENT LLC is providing this Vehicle Sale Program strictly as a service to our customers. All evaluations are opinions only, the company is not responsible for the final sale price of any vehicle. Prices listed on the vehicles are by INDEPENDENT’s recommendations based on current markets, the company will not list a vehicle for a price that is believed too high. The company will not involve itself in any negotiations between buyer and seller unless the vehicle is being sold via INDEPENDENT LLC. During any part of the listing process, INDEPENDENT is not responsible for any theft, mechanical, structural, or cosmetic damage, or loss of profit. Should any terms be broken during and after the listing period, the vehicle will be removed from all postings without a refund.